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Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

Welcome to Cuirrculum, a service provided by Bryan Berger, located at 12 rue des Érables, 72470 FATINES, France (SIREN: 838388205). By accessing and using our website and services, you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you must not use our services.

2. User Obligations and Conduct

2.1 User content

Users may upload and share content, including but not limited to CVs, portfolios, and project showcases, as part of their use of the Cuirrculum service. By uploading content, users agree to the following restrictions:

  • Violates any applicable laws or regulations.
  • Is defamatory, obscene, abusive, or otherwise objectionable.
  • Infringes on the intellectual property rights of others.
  • Contains false or misleading information regarding the user's qualifications or work experience.
  • Is not related to professional or career management purposes.

2.2 Content Ownership and Licensing

  • Users retain ownership of the content they upload. However, by uploading content to Cuirrculum, users grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, display, distribute, and promote the content in connection with our services.
  • Users must not upload any third-party content without the necessary rights or permissions.

2.3 Content Moderation

  • Cuirrculum reserves the right to remove or block any content that violates these terms or that we deem inappropriate for our platform.
  • We encourage users to report content that they believe violates these terms.

3. Service scope

3.1 Premium Plan Access

Cuirrculum offers a single premium plan, which provides users with full access to all available features. However, please note that some features are currently under development and are not yet available. These features include:

  • Generate a CV: Create professional resumes using our templates and tools.
  • Share with Recruiters: Easily share their CVs with recruiters through various channels. This feature is under development and is expected to be released soon.
  • Synchronize Profiles: Sync their profile information with recruitment platforms for seamless job applications. This feature is not available yet.
  • Optimize Application Letters: Use AI tools to enhance and optimize cover letters. This feature is not available yet.
  • Build a Portfolio: Create and manage a portfolio to showcase their projects and achievements. This feature is not available yet.
  • Share Projects: Display and share completed projects within their portfolio. This feature is not available yet.

All features are included in the premium plan, which is only available for a one-time fee during the launch period. The access method to the premium plan will transition to a recurring subscription model thereafter. A one-time fee will still be available with a higher price than the launch period.

3.2 Feature Development Roadmap

A development roadmap is accessible on the Cuirrculum landing page, where users can view the planned release dates for upcoming features. This roadmap is subject to change, and Cuirrculum reserves the right to modify the feature planning over time.

4. Payment terms

4.1 Payment Options

Cuirrculum offers the following payment options:

One-Time Fee:

  • Launch Period: During the launch period, users can access the premium plan for a one-time fee of 99 €.
  • Post-Launch Period: After the launch period, the one-time fee will increase to 399 €.

Recurring Subscription:

  • Monthly Subscription: Users can opt for a monthly subscription at 24 €, which is automatically renewed every month.
  • Yearly Subscription: Users can opt for a yearly subscription at 199 €, which is automatically renewed every year.

4.2 Payment Processing

All payments are processed via Stripe, a secure payment gateway. By subscribing to the Cuirrculum service, users agree to have their credit card information stored securely by Stripe for recurring billing. Users' credit cards will be charged automatically based on their chosen subscription plan (monthly or yearly). Users may update their payment information at any time through their account settings.

4.3 Refund Policy

Users are not entitled to refunds except in the following cases:

  • Incorrect Billing: If the user was billed incorrectly or charged more than necessary, they are eligible for a refund of the overpaid amount.

4.4 Failed Payments

If a payment fails, the user will lose access to the full features of Cuirrculum. The account will be restricted until the payment issue is resolved. Users must make a successful payment to regain full access to the service.

4.5 Cancellation of Subscription

Users can cancel their subscription at any time. Cancellation will prevent future charges, but no refunds will be issued for the remaining period of the current billing cycle. Upon cancellation, users will retain access to the service until the end of their current billing period.

5. Data Privacy & Security

5.1 Data Collection

To provide users with a full and personalized experience on Cuirrculum, we collect the following personal data:

  • Personal Information: First name, last name, birth date, personal address, email, phone number, and profile picture.
  • Billing Information: Credit card and payment details, which are processed and stored securely through Stripe.
  • Social Network Links: Links to social network profiles such as LinkedIn.
  • Career Information: Professional experiences, education details, skills, job title, and professional profile description.

These data points are necessary to ensure all features of Cuirrculum function properly and to enhance the overall user experience.

5.2 Data Usage and Sharing

  • Storage: All personal data is stored securely on private databases and storage spaces provided by Supabase.
  • AI Features: If users choose to use AI-powered features, their career information will be shared with OpenAI to ensure the relevance of AI-generated suggestions.
  • Billing: Billing information will be shared with Stripe for payment processing.

Additionally, anonymous activity data (e.g., usage patterns, traffic data) is collected to analyze user interaction, improve the app, and ensure its proper functioning.

5.3 Data Retention

  • General Data: We retain users' personal data for up to 2 years after they stop using the service. Two weeks before the anniversary date of the user’s last login, an email will be sent to inform them of the impending deletion of their account and data. If the user does not log in before this date, their account and data will be automatically deleted.
  • Billing Information: Billing information will be retained for 5 years for legal compliance purposes.

5.4 User Rights

Users have the following rights regarding their data:

  • Data Recovery: Users can request a full recovery of their data by sending an email to . Data recovery requests will be processed within 72 hours.
  • Account and Data Deletion: Users can request the deletion of their account and data by sending an email to Account deletion requests will be processed within 5 days.

5.5 Data Security

We implement strict security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Despite these measures, no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee absolute security.

6. Account Termination

6.1 User-Initiated Termination

  • Subscription Cancellation: Users can cancel their subscription at any time through their account settings. Once canceled, users will retain access to all features until the end of the current billing cycle (monthly or yearly, depending on the subscription plan). No refunds will be provided for any unused portion of the subscription period.
  • Post-Cancellation Access: After cancellation, users will retain access to their personal data within the Cuirrculum platform. However, they will no longer be able to use any of the premium features described in Section 3 (Service Scope).

6.2 Company-Initiated Termination

Cuirrculum offers the following payment options:

Violation of Terms & Conditions:

  • Warnings: If a user is found to be in violation of these Terms & Conditions, they will receive three warnings over a period of three weeks, with one warning issued each week. These warnings will detail the nature of the violation and provide instructions on how to rectify the situation.
  • Account Suspension: If the user fails to respond to these warnings or correct the violation, Cuirrculum reserves the right to suspend the user’s account.
  • Account Deletion: If the user does not take corrective action within one year from the date of account suspension, Cuirrculum will permanently delete the user’s account. The user will be notified via email two weeks before the account is deleted.

Failure to Pay:

  • Payment Reminders: If a user fails to make a payment, they will receive a payment reminder each week for eight weeks after the first missed payment.
  • Account Termination: If payment is not received by the end of the eight-week period, Cuirrculum reserves the right to terminate the user’s account, thereby revoking access to all features of the service.
  • Post-Termination: The user's account and data will remain inaccessible unless payment is made within two years from the date of account termination. After this period, the account and all associated data will be permanently deleted.

6.3 Data Deletion After Account Termination

  • Data Recovery and Deletion: Once an account is deleted, either by the user or by Cuirrculum, the account and all associated data will be permanently deleted one year after the account deletion date. Users should note that account recovery is not possible after deletion.
  • Billing Data: Notwithstanding the above, billing information will be retained for five years after account termination to comply with legal requirements.

7. Intellectual Property

7.1 Ownership of Content

  • User Data & Uploaded Content: Users retain full ownership of all data and content they upload to the Cuirrculum platform. This includes personal information, career data, and any other content created or stored by the user.

7.2 Intellectual Property Rights

  • Software & Design: All software, design elements, and content created by or within Cuirrculum are the intellectual property of Bryan Berger. This includes, but is not limited to, the platform's code, design, and any proprietary content or features created by Cuirrculum.
  • Restrictions: No part of the Cuirrculum software, design, or content may be copied, edited, distributed, or used for commercial purposes without the express written consent of Bryan Berger.

8. Liability & Disclaimers

8.1 Limitations of Liability

  • Data Security & Integrity: While Cuirrculum takes all reasonable measures to ensure the security and integrity of user data, it cannot guarantee absolute protection. Users acknowledge that Cuirrculum cannot be held liable for any data loss or service outage resulting from failures or issues with third-party providers. The primary providers used by Cuirrculum include:
    • Supabase: Database and authentication services.
    • Amazon Web Services (AWS): Cloud storage and computing services.
    • Vercel: Hosting and deployment platform.
    • GitHub: Source code management and version control.
  • Service Outages: Cuirrculum will not be held responsible for service interruptions or outages caused by these or other third-party providers.

8.2 Disclaimers

  • AI-Generated Content: The AI tools provided by Cuirrculum, including suggestions for application letters, CV optimizations, and other AI-generated content, are intended to assist users in their job search process. However, users are strongly advised to review and verify all AI-generated content before using or publishing it.
  • Accuracy of AI Content: Users acknowledge that AI tools may occasionally produce inaccurate or inappropriate content. Cuirrculum disclaims all liability for any errors or inaccuracies in AI-generated content and encourages users to use their discretion when utilizing these features.

9. Dispute Resolution

Governing Law: These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of France. Any disputes arising from or related to these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of France.

Dispute Resolution Mechanism: In the event of a dispute between Cuirrculum and a user, both parties agree to attempt to resolve the matter amicably through negotiation. If a resolution cannot be reached, the dispute will be referred to mediation by a neutral third party. If mediation fails, the dispute will be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with French law.

10. Updates to terms

Notification of Changes: Cuirrculum reserves the right to modify or update these Terms & Conditions at any time. Users will be informed of any such changes via email sent to the address provided in their account settings.

Notice Period: Users will be given at least two weeks' notice before any changes to the Terms & Conditions take effect. The notice will include details of the changes and the date when they will become effective.

Continued Use: Continued use of the Cuirrculum platform after the effective date of the changes will constitute acceptance of the new Terms & Conditions. If users do not agree with the changes, they must discontinue using the service before the changes take effect.
